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I hate to do this

PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 8:55 am
by IcicleTears
Ok I know I do not visit as often as I should, and I haven't submitted any of my work yet, but I am having to be the bearer of bad news.

I hate doing things like this, it's really hard for me to do, I am sorry to say but Ruby was in a car accident last night, and is in a very bad condition, I know how he admires you all and I felt it best to let you all know.
If it is ok I will log on as often as I can and keep you updated, please pray for him, as I will.


PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 3:34 pm
by LinzAy
oh my god...Ruby, I'm praying for you.

Please keep us well informed I.T....thankyou

PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 7:37 pm
by Leah06
this cant be.... are you sure? is this some joke or stunt? because it really isnt funny. especially for me. i had to read what you said a few times to let it sink in. is he ok? what happened? tell him im trying to be strong for him. im thinking on him and love him very much. you need to tell me as much as possible as soon as possible of what happened and how hes doing. its amazing how one moment im reading his e-mail from yesterday with a smile on my face and now im trying to type this with tears streaming down my face as i try hard to get controll. the one good thing i had going for me, the one person who could make me smile in an instant, the one guy who believed in me. i dont want to loose him. i cant loose him.

the one guy who gave me a chance, got into a car accident.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 1:38 am
by Dreamer
All my thoughts and prayers and vibes are coming in his direction. I wish him a good fast recovery please keep us updated with as many details as you can.... Perhaps an address so we could send cards and letters?????


PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 7:48 am
by IcicleTears
Ok Leah I'm not joking.
I think it's wrong for people to joke about situations like this, The good news is he is awake and responding, he knows who he is and where he is but he doesn't remember what happened.
The statement that was given by the driver of the car apparentlely states that he tried everything he could to avoid the accident but couldn't.
The other car was speeding and came out of a T junction without looking, or stopping, he hit the passenger side, (Rubys side) at around 70mph.
He was arrested and breathalised, testing positive.
I also have Rubys injuries, which are quite drastic.
He is still undergoing tests, but the hospital are quite suprised that he has survived and is concious.
I will pass all your prayers and thoughts on to him.
I will keep you all posted.

Icicle Tears

PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 10:06 am
by Seizure
Ruby just became an Uncle, correct? No more than a week later he's involved in an accident. It would seem life will lift you up, just to tear you down that much harder.

Hit me up if there's anything I can do to help.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 9:18 am
by IcicleTears
Thanks Seizure and I agree. Life does have a way of giving then taking away something else in return.
t's just horrific how it gives you happiness then suddenly demands that you have nothing but pain and torment in return
Just keep your hopes he will be ok.


PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 11:46 am
by LinzAy
70 mph...that horrible. I'm so glad to hear that he's awake and responding and knows who he is and stuff. My heart's still in my throat for him....

PostPosted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 6:53 pm
by Brenda Michelle
that is horriable... i really hope that he is okay.... i just hope nothing more happens to him, i cant pray, but i can wish on a star that he gets better.... :cry:

PostPosted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:22 pm
by xeverettx
I hope he gets better soon. Such tragic news...I wish him a speedy recovery.