Responsibity, Who’s Is It?

“There is something wrong. I am not getting any water from my faucets”

“I’m sorry Mr. Customer, Your service is shut off. We have not received a payment on your account in three months.”

“I haven’t gotten a bill in the mail for the last six months”

“I am looking at your account and I see you signed up for email billing. You don’t receive a paper bill if you sign up for email billing “

“Well, If I don’t get a bill I don’t know I have to pay it”


I hear these same types of things everyday at my job in customer service. Why is it that people seem to think it is not their fault when they don’t pay their bills. I guess maybe I am old fashioned but if you purchase something that has a monthly charge, do you not realize, that every month, at that same time, you are going to have a charge for the service. Who’s responsibility is it?

Why is it that some people don’t think they are responsible for their own actions or the actions of their children? It’s not their fault it the child, whom they gave a fancy internet ready cell phone to, ran the phone bill up over 300 dollars in overage and data charges..”Why not???

How do they figure that is the fault of the phone company.They are the ones who gave their child an expensive phone and let them run up those charges. Did they not tell the child there was limits they had to adhere to when using this new toy. Wasn’t it the parents responsibility to make sure that child knew how to use the phone and how not to use the phone.

I have to wonder if these are the same kids who grow up and get into gangs and the parents say “I had no idea they were robbing houses. I didn’t think they were doing anything wrong when he was staying out till 3am on weeknights. He said his friend gave him his old Ipod and computer when he got new ones for his birthday”

Come on people.. The cop is not going to say “Oh well if you didn’t know then it’s okay, don’t worry about it”, and pat little Johnny on the head and give him the stolen Ipod back..
Why should a company say “that’s okay we’ll flip the bill instead.. You don’t have to pay the bill he ran up because you didn’t know.”. Who’s responsibility is it?

I realize, not all people are trying to get over with excuses like this.. But all people are paying the price for people who are getting over with it.. I heard the other day that on a website it was telling people Just call in and tell them that you were told this at the store and they will credit you back for it..

Sure it worked for a while. Now no one can get a legitimate credit when they were told something different at a store. The company can no longer afford to believe the public..SO.. who in the long run suffers?

Prices go up to make up for the losses for those that got over on the system. Instead of them paying that price up front, now they pay a bit more every month for it on the bill, along with everyone else.

The company will not take the loss. They are out to make money. Someone is going to pay for it. That someone is you..

So if you are one of those that doesn’t take the responsibility for your actions.. (or those of your child) I really hope I am not the one who is going to have to listen to you cry when you do have to pay the bills at a higher price because of the increase in rates..

You get what you pay for…
And in the long run. you pay for what you don’t..