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life changing events

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 11:21 pm
by Dreamer
Did you ever have a life experience or single event that changed your whole way of thinking?? What happened and how did it change you??

PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 9:54 am
by hushy2
Mine was my brother,we went on hoilday to orlando last march.

he had a really bad cough,so we decided to take him to the doctors out there.

he injected him with something he was allergic to,when we got outside he had a fit
and fell and hit his head on the floor.

he had bleeding on the brain,and they said he wouldnt get through the night.
he did!

since then I cheshish every momnet I spend with him.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 8:27 pm
by RinRin
My life-changing event would have to be when I met my fiancee.

We were kind of high school sweethearts, if you will! He was (and still is) a very strange kid that everyone loved because he was so strange. He was really the most popular guy in school, and all the jocks and cheerleaders loved him to death. He was so quiet. He never said much to anyone. He would walk around school, his hands held in front of him, with wide eyes and a mysterious air about him. I didn't talk to him for that very reason - he kind of scared me.

But then, we were in Geometry together. That's when my life changed.

It took me forever to even realize that I loved him. He had loved me for years and had never said anything - he let me roam about dating other guys without a clue that he was watching in the background, waiting...just waiting. In doing that, I hurt him a lot. I feel now that I should have noticed his love way beforehand.

But then, I did realize it, when ironically he wrote me a poem! That's when I realized that I truly loved him back and with so much passion! We've been together ever since. It'll be 10 months by the end of January :D

yeah, so I just raved and ranted a little bit there...hehe...sorry :P


PostPosted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 12:32 pm
by Luc
life changeing event.

well, like rinrin. though not a fiancee, its meeting someone special that has changed my life. I used to be heavily into drugs, never showed it. but i was addicted to some stuff. a lot of ppl never new. but i met someone and she knew. and i saw her hurt couse of me. so i pretty much quit for her. been havent been on anything for a few good months. kind of lost count. hehe. whats a little more ironic, to me anyways, is thats how i met the person who changed my life. from bad to good. with drugs. she did them to. but she stop for me as well.
if i wouldnt of met her. who knows what of happened. perhaps i would of gotten out of control, and not be able to hide it any more and just become another bad son or bum. heh.
though i thanks who ever is up there god or budda. for the angel they sent to save me.

yeah i know corny. but true.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 10:50 pm
by Dreamer
glad to see you back Luc

PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 12:47 am
by Luc
glad to be back dreamer. missed the place. but stuff happens and well.. life kind of keeps you away from the computer. as im sure you and everyone else here know. but glad to be back. :)

PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 5:02 pm
by rubydragon
Mine was the accident not so long ago, it made me realise how much I have to live for and how much Sara (IcicleTears) really means to me. I lived through Death for my long lost Angel.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 10:33 pm
by Dreamer
I had a friend when I was a in my teens. He knew at a young age what he wanted to do with his life. All he talked about was his working towards this dream for his future (he wanted to be a truck driver and own his own truck.) He got a job and was saving every penny so he could earn enough money to buy his dream as soon as he was old enough. He lived for his future.

He was in a car accident and died. He was still a teen. He went through the windshield of his car that mysteriously went off the road on his way home from work.

I thought of all the times he turned down doing things because he was working for his future that was never to be realized. Though I realize now he was living the life he wanted and chose; giving him happiness as he was getting closer to his dream. Though at the time, I seen it differently.

I seen that he had wasted all those days for a future that never was. That "Tomarrow Never Comes"

At that time I began to believe that each day could be my last and that the future didn't matter. When I had a chance to do something I wanted to do I did it. I never did anythign that would hurt anyone else just lived my life for the day.

It has led my life in a direction of many adventures and many lessons good and bad. (I even drove a truck for a few years myself. ) I feel it is important to live each moment of your life as if it could be your last , That bringing happiness to others no matter how slight is a way to make the world a better place..

So in his death I learned to truely live...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 7:19 pm
by bingholic98
In 1999 They found a brain tumor. So they operated took out what they could and I had radiation treatments for the rest.Now I talk different, walk different, camn't work anymore, my licence was taken away.It changed my whole life,no more independence now I'm on disability income it's not alot or what I was used too from 22.00 an hour top 5.00 an hour. but since this has happened, all the work anmd overtime to make money, means nothing now. My family and friends and taking time now to enjoy life means more. so this event made me slow down and enjoy the little things in life. I am happier now and content than ever :) :wink:

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 9:26 am
by Martin Vann
I think, we all find, that little crack in the Ice Of Life, that warms our hearts, I have found it many times. Guess, my point is, life is life, love is love and it seems to me, most often I feel the warmth of life, coming from memories, the one's, that meant the most, to me.