
A Light Rant, On A Winter Day
8 January, 2013
Author: Luke Mudge


If history is a sequence of events, played out, and history no matter how great or how bad repeats itself, Then Why can't we as people change for the better, over-all.

Paradise, it's something that none of us will see until we are gone from this earth, but we are put on this earth for a reason.

We weren't put on this earth to make excuses as to why we cannot do something, but to take life, as it is, and be the smarter, brighter, more positive civilization, from the ones that were left behind.

Though all we are, is a controlled, manipulated, self-persevered, selfish, jealous, version, of what, we truly, were not supposed to be.

Look around the world you live in every day, it's the same, day in and day out, you hear the same gripes, the same voices, the same outside noises that tune your mind out, that blind you from what you are truly capable of.

We are a nation of subscribed leaders, subscribed faces, people who subscribe to the only feasible way of living, and that is to confine to how everything is "supposed to be", even if that's truly not how everything "should be".

Looking at other nations, countries, worldly cultures, we here in America have it better than a lot of others. We aren't in a civil war, filled with violence. Yes we have maniacs and people with mentally disturbing issues, but for the general population, we don't worry when we send our kids to school, or go to the grocery store. At least we have these things.

You know there are people across the world that kiss their fathers good-bye, Literally as in (we might never see each other again) to just go into a class-room and get a sub-par education, day in a day out. Though we have people here in America, in fact the majority, that walk into Social Security offices because they have a "cough" and expect our government should pay for them to live, and not just live, but have transportation, all the technologies, and standards of living that hard working, experienced people have. How ridiculous is that.

How as a person, can you walk into a place, treat people that do not know you as if they are below you, then after you've been rude to them, demand something, that truthfully you do not deserve. Your SSI check, your Welfare check, is something that truthfully is NOT yours. Unless you've earned it.

If you get benefits for whatever reason, Depending on your circumstance, Just because you have kids to provide for, you should not be given an allowance to live on by our government. We the working, have to pay for you to keep being lazy. If you have more kids, you keep living for free, well then I feel you should be given a percentage of money to take care of yourself, and the more kids you have, the more people you have to spend that same percentage on. So then you'll have less money, and therefore you have to actually take responsibility for your actions and do something with yourself. A welfare check is not a paycheck. Get off your ass, and stop being a statistic.

The mind is everything, you are an example of what your mind is capable of, the majority of the time, nobody is going to give you the life you want. You are going to have be motivated, get up early, and just do whatever it is that you want to see day in and day out. And when you've reached that plateau, find something else, keep what you've done, and move on to doing more than that. Do Not Ever Stop crating a Masterpiece of what you've been given on this earth.

You will reach walls, you reach limitations, but there are always ways around those, but it's SO easy to just stop, So easy to just look back at whats in front of you and say, OK this is it, ill stop now. I know that getting an education isn't for everyone, and personally I feel the whole education thing needs an over haul. Just because somebody has a master's degree Does Not Mean, they can walk into a job and necessarily do it better than somebody that has been doing that same job for 30 years. But because we are a nation never ending vicious cycles, we can't see that. Why you need to go into debt by the tens of thousands of dollars, that you may never pay off to get a job that technically out of high school you could possibly do with a little bit of training is beyond me.

Why masters of professions don't "train" people to do work rather than having people control companies who have no clue what actually goes on right under their noses is beyond me. The show "Undercover Boss on CBS", is a prime example of that. You have bosses, that have Masters Degrees in business, so they are good a sitting at tables and having discussions with 10 other people that do the pointing of fingers at people below them that go out into the field and point more fingers at the people that are the technicians that point fingers and people learning to be technicians. HOW is that growth, HOW is that a standard way of how WE as a nation think EDUCATION can get you further makes no sense to me. On that TV show you see bosses that truly have no clue how to do the simplest task in their company, but they are millionaires and cant compete with someone under them making min. wage.

As for Min. Wage,There should be a standard "liveable wage" in this country not a Minimum wage, because you can have 3 Minimum wage jobs and still not live a minimum lifestyle. But as for what I was originally saying, Why don't we have More Trade-Schools, that we go into, that don't require you to get a Degree, if you want to work as a site manager on a construction site, and being really good at what you do, I don't see how MICRO-BIO, is something that should stand in your way from getting that job, because if you don't take that class, then you dont get the degree that will get you into a position that could get you that job.

Why not just go into a workplace, have the people that know the most, that are actual professionals, TRAIN you to do what they do, get where you have to get, from bottom up, and therefore at the end of the cycle, the people that are actually at the top of the company, are the ones that SHOULD be there, the ones that have sacrificed and are the best at what they do.

Here's a GREAT example, A person can go to school, because they had wealthy parents that gave them everything financially in life, and they know the right people, they can go to the best school there is, get degrees and certifications on fitness, on teaching wellness, on teaching people how to stay in shape. And this person can go to work almost immediately as a Personal Trainer, EVEN THOUGH they may weigh 400lbs. Not live that lifestyle, or have a ACTUAL CLUE, Because they have papers that say they are capable. Because they passed a Calculus class, because they passed a Physic's class, something that might not have anything to do with helping people lose weight.

But somebody else, who was overweight, who knows the struggles who has personally done the work and is now in the best shape ever and can actually relate to somebody and truly enjoys showing others and helping others do what they had to struggle to do, wont be able to get that same job because they don't have the "paper". Things of that nature need to be fixed. And ill leave it be right there.

You want change in life, We are only limited by the people we are as a hole. You as a person may want something that seems impossible, but unless you take more than just the first three steps to achieve it, then you will never start moving forward.

What may seem small to you are the greatest leaps to others. But I feel that as a hole, (being everyone), if we could just do what we are best at, and not be limited by the hole (being everyone), overall thinks is how we achieve these tasks, then maybe, as a hole (being everyone) we could start moving forward.


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