
The Book
20 May, 2003
Author: LinzAy


Beautiful girl, only about five
Stumbled upon the book of her life
With golden curls falling in her face
She takes a look with such a childlike grace
She's too innocent, she's too young
She's too beautiful too understand
All the hate this book is full of
And why it's in her plan
People die and people deceive
People come and go
She grows into a lonely girl
Who nobody completely knows
Pages turned, heart being burned
Aging as she reads
The sorrowful life of a beautiful girl
And her heart begins to bleed
Golden curls still falling in her face
But she's no longer a child anymore
She grew with each word read
Grew in age and mind, she grew sore
Reading how unloved you are
Can hurt the heart and soul so bad
And only she would know this
Which explains why she was so sad
The book told of a girl of beauty
The book told of her life
Sadly this book is now closed
It's the book that took her life


Comments on this poem/writing:

CrYsTaL ( -- Wednesday, May 21 2003, 06:08 pm

Two words...

Cleverly Poetic!!!!!
LinzAy ( -- Thursday, May 22 2003, 04:04 am


shan ( -- Saturday, May 24 2003, 02:37 am


linz, beautifully written. they all are. luv ur poems.. keep it up!!
Bench ( -- Saturday, May 24 2003, 08:53 am

no title

I so love the idea - book of her life! Well done!
LinzAy ( -- Saturday, May 24 2003, 08:16 pm

Shan and Bench

Shan: Thankyou very much for your comments! :D

Bench: Thankyou! :D I don't even remember where i got the idea from.....i think a random message board somewhere on this WWW :)
Udiah ( -- Sunday, September 26 2010, 09:48 pm

All to Real

Another of your poems that really hit home.
LinzAy ( -- Thursday, October 14 2010, 12:08 am


thank you for reading, I'm not sure I'm very....flattered (not the right word) when someone relates to my poems like this...I'm more worried. *hugs*
Udiah ( -- Sunday, October 17 2010, 05:41 pm


You should be flattered. This story bears such an uncanny relationship to a great tragedy I know of, I can only describe it as incredible.
LinzAy ( -- Tuesday, October 26 2010, 03:13 am


Then....I am flattered. Still...*hugs*
Name:                                           Remember Me

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