
Poems Don’t Have To Rhyme
26 March, 2003
Author: ShyHeart


{If, it is your heart that speaks, then, it will be heard}

They lived as one, breathed as one, raised children
as one. They loved as one, made love as one
Paid bills as one. Cried tears as one. Never felt all alone,
Because they never were alone, there was always one.

Then one day, one was called away,
and still the other stands, as one.

These are the words, I wrote for a song,
About a girl, no, she didn’t have a broken heart
She found a man, or, he found her,
perhaps, they just found each other.

No, it doesn’t have to rhyme,
words that come from your heart
will always be the words, that are heard.


Comments on this poem/writing:

Red Dragon ( -- Thursday, March 27 2003, 01:44 pm


I like the last two lines.So sincere yet striking. Trully profound, "words that come from your heart will always be the words that are heard".Such are the words in Poetry and when these words are spoken they resonate the language of the Poet.Great writing
TO: Red Dragon ( -- Thursday, March 27 2003, 02:55 pm

Thank You, Thank You, Very Much!


Of course, we all like to write poetry and there are times when I write something, review and find, Hey, this doesn't even rhyme. That happened to me recently and I went to woik (New Jersey, woik) trying to make it rhyme. I got it to ryhme, reviewed it again and realized, I had destroyed the meaning of every line. Then, having such a clever mind, realized, Poems Don't Have To Rhyme. Well, most of the time.

Thanks, MartinV
RedDragon ( -- Thursday, March 27 2003, 03:04 pm

I, too, write in free verse.....

Sure thing, Poems or rather the lines of the poem need not necessarily rhyme. I'm much comfortable writing in free verse.It captures what the reflection of your emotions while not pressuring your mind to come up with a rhyme.All, the same, cheers to your ideas and mine. :>
LinzAy ( -- Thursday, March 27 2003, 08:44 pm


GOod poem Martin.....and yes the last two lines say so much for us poets and our poetry.....
Leah06 ( -- Friday, March 28 2003, 02:46 am

Nice poem!

This poem is verry true. I don;t know if you would call ME a poet in my eyes to become a poet you have to write poems that are acctually good and you get alot of good feed back from others and that was what you did, GREAT WORK!

luc ( -- Friday, March 28 2003, 03:40 am

no title

good poem martin.. and so true at the end.. lovely it is..
Martin Vann ( -- Friday, March 28 2003, 04:06 pm

Thank You All!

Amazing how we can sit down and just write a few lines then we throw them out there like dice, appreciate the replies, all were very nice.

To Luc;
You made a recent comment about another's poem and I think the comment was something like, Read the poem as a poem, don't let the subject/topic, be all that you look at or reply to.
Luc. you know, what, your are absolutley correct, could lesson you shared with me. . Perhaps "I" should state my thoughts about the "poem" its flow, wording as one comment.

Then, if I want to offer advise, do that as a secodary item. So, Yep! You made a lot os sense Luc, I live & learn.

Thanks To All
barb ( -- Friday, March 28 2003, 05:00 pm

made me feel better

I'm glad you agree poems don't have to rhyme,Whew cause mine rarely do. I don't feel in rhymes If I did it would be easier.:) thanks good writing and to me it did rhyme. It was like music to my ears.
Martin Vann ( -- Friday, March 28 2003, 05:12 pm

Barb, you have sweet ...........{ears.}


I hope my reply about your sweet ears, doesn't sound

I enjoy your work and most of all, enjoy your friendship. (I tried to use small words, here}

barb ( -- Friday, March 28 2003, 05:19 pm

smart a_ _

thank-you for using small words a 10 year old doesn't understand big words. Ha Ha
Martin Ask for an answer? ( -- Friday, March 28 2003, 10:11 pm

To: My "Friend," Barb...,


Is "smart a - - "morse code," or, were you just being a Butt?

This is my poem folks so, I feel I can use this space to say, Barb, you are a clever lady/baby age 10, but (one T) I'm most happy, to know you are a friend of mine.

Capricorn ( -- Saturday, March 29 2003, 02:13 am


Good - I have been telling people for ages now that poems don't have to rhyme. I write in rhyme because that's how the words come, but it is very acceptable to write in free-verse these days and has a natural flow.
If you have a good poem that doesn't rhyme the chances are you'll make it sound forced if you try and change it.

From the heart...that's the key!
barb ( -- Saturday, March 29 2003, 04:22 pm


oh martin I didn't think you could use worlds like ass on here I didn't think of butt. I like your mind too very interesting. oh martin my brother got the e-mail address for cnn so I e-mailed them a letter about beckys poem and they responded they would decide and let me know. I know I'm stubborn but hey can't help it.Ha Ha
blackhawk ( -- Thursday, April 3 2003, 07:23 pm

no title

this is a really good poem. the words used are a really good choice and theres no way that this could be any better because itz already great.
Martin Vann ( -- Thursday, April 3 2003, 07:52 pm

Blackhawk, powerful Signature!


What a powerful name. Thank you for your compliment. Do you write, do you plan to write? Send us something, I'd like to see, what is behind, Blackhawk! Grrrrr! I like that signature, now, please, write.

LinzAy ( -- Thursday, April 3 2003, 09:55 pm



lol...ur crazy Martin!
CRAZY 1 ( -- Thursday, April 3 2003, 11:57 pm


You guys all atlk like being a poet is something so amazing and I dont have that so what am I?
Martin Vann ( -- Friday, April 4 2003, 01:05 am

Who are you, well, I don't know what a poet is, however, read on..,

Crazy 1,

First, I don't think you are crazy, because you haven't expressed your heart felt feelings, with us, too private I guess. I suppose, this means you are sane, not weak like the rest of us, strong and you own your heart and share it with no one.

Yet, if, you trully, want to be weird, crazy, and throw your heart felt feelings upon our table of warmth, kindness, and understanding with respect, then, do so, we are here to listen. Crazy as it may seem, we will reply to your heart. Other wise, continue to be strong, having no need of us, who want and need each other. So, who are you? that is up to you, we are strong and share our hearts and would like to hear from you. Unlike others you may have known, we take nothing, but what you offer and will honor, all your thoughts, with respect!

Crazy 1, your question is a good one and I don't presume to have an answer. Yet, if you decide to think about it and tell us in your own words, hey, many friends are here, waiting, to hear from you.

barb ( -- Friday, April 4 2003, 02:50 am

what poet means to me

first of all I'd like to say I thought not letting anybody in or sharing my feelings meant I was strong and brave,wrong now I see I was a coward. It takes alot of bravery to open your self up. A poet to me is one that puts what he feels and thinks on paper and shares their feelings
barb ( -- Friday, April 4 2003, 02:54 am

wrong place for this sorry

this should be on the forum crazy 1 .oh martin I'm using your space sorry but share share alike.haaaa
Martin Vann ( -- Friday, April 4 2003, 04:00 pm

This should be in the Forum?


You are probably, correct, but if you are like me (lucky you are not), but by the time I get out of the poem category and make into the Forum area, Hell, I forget why I went there.

Dreamer, no site-slam intended, I just like to move fast because it I don't get there in a hurry, it all dissapears in a senior moment.

barb ( -- Friday, April 4 2003, 08:10 pm

me too

thanks for letting me use your space to reply.I'm like that too if I think itI have to write it right then or I forget it
charleisha hezekiah ( -- Tuesday, December 11 2007, 12:45 am

i like it this

my you please help me with my projects thats coming up on December12,2007. Please i admire you so much.I'm only in the sixth
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