The Cost Of Patience

Patience seems to be something seen less and less of these days. It has become a ‘got-to-have-it-now’ society. Houses are filled with disposable contents of ‘keep up with the Jones’ must haves.Gone are the days of saving up to buy the things you want.

Children run around in designer clothing that both parents have to work to provide so they can be popular. They can’t wait to have it in a few months. They have to have it now. Credit cards get maxed out while parents are young, and will take a lifetime to pay off, if they ever are.

Bankruptcy’s are common place. People lose their homes and every thing they have because of the lack of patience of working and waiting for what they want.Kids don’t have the patience for growing up. They want to be grown up now. So we have little girls in cute and sometimes seductive clothing and wearing make up earlier than past generations. Don’t have the patience to wait for your hair grow long? There are hair extensions. Some young girls don’t even have the patience to wait for their bodies to fill out properly before they are wanting surgery to fix what nature hasn’t had the time to grow yet.

The pressure cooker of a population wants more and more, and they want it now.. You can’t wait to talk on the phone till you get home you have to talk on a cell phone in the car causing accidents and insurance hikes, not to mention tickets if caught in some places. another expense to take the place of patience.

Who has time to cook a meal. By the time mom or dad gets home to cook dinner everyone is hungry now.. So Microwaves and fast food step in for the patience of waiting for a well balanced meal to be cooked. Health issues take the place of missing vitamins and minerals lost from the ‘good food‘ and obesity takes hold.

And don’t get me started on the fad diet pill market. Everyone wants to be skinny now. Spending millions on a market of ‘get skinny fast’ schemes that don’t work. When what is needed is the patience of doing it the right way..

Even the grim reaper seems to have lost his patience. So many are taken to an early grave due to the stresses, anxiety and health issues of not having the patience to take life easier.

Perhaps it would be better to have a little patience now, and have some money and time for later.

1 Comment

  • By Meridian, January 30, 2007 @ 9:57 pm

    Dreamer, I am guilty. Arby’s, Taco Bell, and Subway – I am a junk-food queen. The sad part about it is I am too easily tempted. I cook, but don’t cook often. I love the bacon chedder melt, the Arby’s Melt, the mozarella sticks, the ranchero taco, the steak grilled stuffed burrito, (practically everything at Taco Bell), and I ask the employees to fix this weird sub. Come to think of it, no matter how weird the sub I ask them to fix, it’s still fresh regardless….because of the ingredients. The vegetables and meats that are good for u. I am also guilty when driving. And I do not want to relive what happened to me last February….so I’m praying to ask God to help me on road rage.

    You’ve created some very thought-provoking topics. Ones that don’t require one to just think but to act on it. It’s like sending a message out there for people like me….lol.

    Thank you for this blog and all the rest actually!
    Don’t stop posting Dreamer! I love these blog entries of yours!

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